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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How To Save My Marriage - 5 Tips On Making Things Better

Marriages can run into serious problems for a whole slew of reasons. In fact, the specific type of problem that each marriage faces has subtle nuances all its own. This is due in part to the fact that each marriage is made up of two unique individuals who are acting and interacting in their own, special ways.

Regardless of the complex causes of dissatisfaction in each particular marriage, the types of complaints that one generally hears from married people about why their marriage is not satisfying tend to sound pretty similar. They usually boil down to: one or both individuals feeling neglected, having lost the attraction they used to feel for their mate, having trouble finding the time to spend quality time together, or just being bored with themselves or each other.

It is these similarities among the symptoms of most unhappy marriages that provide a useful point of departure for helping couples figure out just what exactly is wrong and how they can potentially save the marriage.

If you wondering, "Where can I find free advice on how to save my marriage?", here are 5 tips on making things better:

1. Recognize that your marriage is not doomed to fail or succeed:

When your marriage is going poorly, it can be easy to develop a complex in your own head, as if to say, "My marriage is doomed - nothing can help us now." This is simply not the case. While some marriages seem to go more smoothly than others, the vast majority of them have the chance to fail or succeed. They are not doomed by fate.

2. The power to change your marriage is within both of you:

It is important to recognize that both you and your spouse have the ability to influence your marriage for the better. The powerlessness that comes with a marriage-gone-sour can be self-defeating. You can turn around this feeling by recognizing in each other the power to change the course of the marriage.

3. Start by establishing some common ground between you:

The first step in fixing any trouble human relationship, including marriage, is to find some common ground. Remember that at some point in the past, the two of you saw eye-to-eye on enough things in life that you committed to spending the rest of your lives together. Try to work your way back to that point of commonality. That is where you will find your power to make a difference.

4. Each of you needs to recognize that you are part of the problem:

When your spouse is annoying you or worse, it is very easy to think thoughts such as, "If only they would change, we could have the chance to be happy." Recognize that it is always the case that both of you had a part to play in bringing your marriage to where you are now.

5. Agree to do whatever it takes to find the right solution:

Now, talk with your spouse and get each other's buy-in that you will do whatever you can to find the right solution to save your marriage.

Consider these 5 free tips on how to save your marriage.
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